
Zanu PF days are numbered: MDC Alliance

MDC Alliance says attempts by Zany PF to hijack their movement will not succeed, as the party remains focused on its goal to make sure many youths register ahead of the 2023 national elections.

MDC Alliance indicated that as 2023 heads closer, the party expects more tricks from the ruling party, such as the use of puppet political parties, violation of democratic freedoms and the abuse of the legal system to weaken the opposition.

This follows the hijacking of MDC Alliance’s touted 2023 project – Citizens Convergence for Change (CCC) by little known Varaidzo Musungo who wrote a letter to the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC), Monday, notifying the electoral body of the existence of the new party.  

The mainstream opposition party is currently battling with MDC-T led by Douglas Mwonzora over the party name and assets.

The Citizens Convergence for Change was presented by MDC Alliance leader, Advocate Nelson Chamisa at their Zimbabwe Agenda 2021 address at the start of this year, where he said the party would create a platform around which citizens all over Zimbabwe would converge for change.

“When all is said and done, the regime is in panic mode and they have every reason to be because their days are numbered. To be sure, in line with our Broad Alliance Agenda, a broad alliance of citizens is forming in both urban and rural areas throughout all provinces to win Zimbabwe for a change,” said MDC Alliance National Spokesperson Fadzai Mahere.

Mahere declared the state’s tactics to weaken the MDC Alliance would fail, as the party was focused on encouraging voter registration.  

“No attempt to hijack the people’s big idea whose times has come will succeed. Young people are registering to vote en masse to take us to our six million voter target,” she said.

“We have witnessed an unprecedented attempt to decapitate the main opposition by Zanu PF and its proxies. We expect more, the use of puppet political parties, the violation of democratic freedoms and the abuse of the legal system. Yet we remain unshaken.”

Mahere highlighted that MDC Alliance’s inspiration behind their convergence model was Zimbabweans were “facing worsening poverty, chronic unemployment, an acute public transport disaster eroded wages skyrocketing prices, poor public health delivery, an education crisis and a complete breakdown of the social contract.”

She added it was, therefore, urgent for people to come together, as they had been excluded while political elites in Zanu PF placed “their selfish interests and their insatiable appetite to loot the nation of its resources ahead of the plight of the masses.”

“They thought they had destroyed us but they have only succeeded in making us stronger as we embed ourselves with the value of the people and the aspiration of a better Zimbabwe that serves the people,” said the party spokesperson.

“At the appropriate time, we will unveil the new. There will be no confusion for the people know who their leaders are.”

Mahere said MDC Alliance was pushing for a Reform Agenda that calls for fundamental political, economic reforms that include a return to legitimacy and democracy.

Lulu Brenda Harris

Lulu Brenda Harris is a senior news reporter at CITE. Harris writes on politics, migration, health, education, environment, conservation and sustainable development. Her work has helped keep the public informed, promoting accountability and transparency in Zimbabwe.

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