
ZCP calls on police to protect picketing MDC members

The Zimbabwe Communist Party (ZCP), has called on the police to ensure that the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) demonstration goes ahead as planned by providing security to the demonstrators.

In a statement, General Secretary of ZCP, Ngqabutho Nicholas Mabhena, the MDC was exercising is constitutional right to organise a series of political demonstrations across the country in response to the high cost of living in the country.

But, Mabhena expressed concern that Zanu PF Youth League members were reportedly organising themselves to counter these demonstrations in the name of protecting property and informal traders

“We do not think that it is the role of the Zanu PF Youth League to protect property or citizens, that role is solely for our police force. We call on the police to protect the demonstrators as they exercise their constitutional right and also protect citizens who want to go about their business without joining the demonstration,” he said.

The communist leader said the reported cases of kidnapping and assault directed at leaders of the civil society and opposition were alarming and went against the democratisation thrust which was promised by President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

“We call upon President Mnangagwa as Head of State and Government and on the leader of the MDC Alliance, Nelson Chamisa to make sure that the demonstration is peaceful,” he said.

Mabhena noted that the country’s challenges could be solved by a truly National Economic Dialogue that involved all including political parties represented in Parliament, organised labour, the business community, farmers and other patriotic forces.

“As the Zimbabwe Communist Party, we are of the view that the economic challenges in our country can only be resolved through that. We note that there is the National Dialogue instituted by President Mnangagwa, but we are of the view that it is not inclusive and does not have a clear economic programme and clear timelines. In particular, the idea of a National Economic Dialogue which does not include the representatives of labour, the creators of wealth, renders it meaningless,” he said.

The general secretary added that “the continuing collapse of the economy and failure to find a solution is a clear statement that the ruling party must begin to listen to the voice of reason advanced by the Communist Party.”

Lulu Brenda Harris

Lulu Brenda Harris is a senior news reporter at CITE. Harris writes on politics, migration, health, education, environment, conservation and sustainable development. Her work has helped keep the public informed, promoting accountability and transparency in Zimbabwe.

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