
ZAPU: Mnangagwa desperate to stay in power, wants to remove term limits

The opposition party ZAPU has accused President Emmerson Mnangagwa of trying to hold onto power in order to amend the country’s constitution to remove term limits.

ZAPU spokesperson Msongelwa Ndlovu said that President Mnangagwa was determined to win the upcoming election on August 23 and then amend the constitution to allow him to run for a third term.

“He (President Mnangagwa) desperately needs the two-thirds majority in order to amend the constitution to remove term limits,” said Ndlovu. “He fancies his chances of serving a third term. That’s why he is parroting his vision 2030 hallucinations.”

Ndlovu also accused President Mnangagwa of trying to annihilate the opposition by disqualifying opposition candidates from running in the election and by harassing and intimidating opposition supporters.

“We have been tempted, induced even, to oppose the opposition,” said Ndlovu. “We reject the mischief contemptuously. Our enemy Number 1 is the breadman and his Zanu PF. One day soon, we’ll expose his sidekicks pretending to be opposition. We now know them.”

Ndlovu said that the election in Zimbabwe has not been credible since the ‘moment’ election dates were announced.

“Even today, with less than 20 days before voting, we still don’t have the final voters’ roll,” he said. “Denying our people the right to vote for their candidates of choice is akin to sodomizing democracy without lubrication.”

ZAPU called on Zimbabweans to vote for change in the upcoming election and to deny President Mnangagwa and Zanu PF a majority in Parliament.

“Vote him out and ZANU PF at best and at least deny them a majority in Parliament,” said Ndlovu.

Lulu Brenda Harris

Lulu Brenda Harris is a senior news reporter at CITE. Harris writes on politics, migration, health, education, environment, conservation and sustainable development. Her work has helped keep the public informed, promoting accountability and transparency in Zimbabwe.

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