
Police ban ZAPU protest march

Police in Harare have dismissed an audacious bid by ZAPU to carry out a protest march at Munhumutapa government offices in protest over the death of Zimbabwean Elvis Nyathi who was brutally murdered in South Africa.

In banning the planned march, the police said it was a threat to the country’s national security.

Munhumutapa Building also houses President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s offices.

On Monday, ZAPU wrote a letter to the Officer Commanding Harare, notifying them of their intention to stage a protest against the ZANU PF led government, which the opposition party said was to blame for the economic malaise in the country which has forced millions of Zimbabweans, like Nyathi, to seek refuge in other countries.

“The following are the grounds for the rejection. One, the police said our application does not meet the seven-day notice. Two, police said Munhumutapa Building is a very sensitive and a highly protected place to entertain such a demonstration. Three, police said demonstrations within the CBD area are banned until further notice,” said ZAPU Secretary-General Mthulisi Hanana.

Hanana added police also cautioned the party to desist from carrying out an unsanctioned demonstration because they would view their march as a threat to national security.

“As a party, we are going to be finding means to protest against the direction the country is taking under Zanu, we cannot be misruled comfortably. This march has been viewed as a threat to national security. We will amend and fight on,” said the party SG.

Lulu Brenda Harris

Lulu Brenda Harris is a senior news reporter at CITE. Harris writes on politics, migration, health, education, environment, conservation and sustainable development. Her work has helped keep the public informed, promoting accountability and transparency in Zimbabwe.

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