
MRP accuses Gwanda chief of blocking rally  

The Mthwakazi Republic Party (MRP) has accused Chief Mzimuni Masuku of Gwanda of abusing his powers after he allegedly cancelled their December 7 political rally. 

The rally had been cleared by police and MRP said its party members were preparing to meet with rural folk ahead of the 2023 national elections.

MRP leader, Mqondisi Moyo, stated they would respect Chief Masuku’s wishes and did not want to pick fights with traditional leaders but were dissatisfied with him for abusing his powers. 

“The cancellation is a blow to MRP members considering the effort and logistics that had been used. Our organisers were informed a day before the rally, on December 6, 2022 around 2pm that Chief Masuku would be meeting with some non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and his subjects at Mzimuni Hall where the rally was supposed to take place. Therefore, we could not have our rally,” Moyo said in an interview with CITE. 

According to the MRP president, their rally was cleared by Gwanda District police on December 2, 2022, in accordance with the requirements of the Maintenance of Peace and Order (MOPA). 

“We had done a lot of homework, preparing for the rally up so it is disappointing to have it cancelled at the last hour, considering the police had cleared the rally with conditions that the party meets,” he said. 

Moyo stated his political party was forced to cancel the rally because they did not want to quarrel nor start a fight with Chief Masuku, as it would attract unnecessary attention. 

“We didn’t want to pick unnecessary fights with our traditional leaders. But prior to the cancellation of the rally, Chief Masuku was also notified about the rally at Mzimuni hall by our organisers before the rally was even cleared by the police and he gave the nod for it to go ahead.,” said the party leader. 

He also questioned whether the chief’s claim that he had a meeting with NGOs was genuine or a ruse to sabotage MRP’s opportunity to meet with people. 

“Unfortunately, we don’t know whether it was mere coincidence or it was sabotage on the part of the chief because we asked ourselves if the rally was supposed to be addressed by Zanu PF, was the same chief going to stop it at the last hour,” he said. 

“I repeat that we don’t want to pick unnecessary fights with our chief but at the same time, we want them to be aware that it is a not a good move to cancel our rallies in the last hour considering all the preparation made pertaining to the rally.” 

MRP has stated that it will continue with its other upcoming rallies, particularly in rural areas where Moyo claims the party is making inroads. 

“Next week on December 15, 2022, we are addressing a rally in Binga. This will be the first time for us to address a gathering in Binga since our formation on January 11, 2014. We hope we will not have the same experience as that of Mzimuni where the rally was cancelled at the last hour.” Moyo said. 

According to the clearance letter signed by the officer commanding Gwanda District, one Superintendent Mandlenkosi Moyo, MRP was “expected to control the behavior of your political party members before, during and after the event.” 

“Your members shall not be involved in toyi-toying, convoying of vehicles, singing and desist from emanating hateful and defaming information, carrying of dangerous weapons at your gathering shall be strictly prohibited,” reads the clearance letter. 

Reached for comment, Chief Masuku dismissed these claims from MRP as “lies.”

The chief said he did not even see the MRP members nor talk to them.

“How am I involved in their meeting? These are pure lies. I didn’t even talk to them,” he said. 

Chief Masuku said even if it was matter of sharing the same venue, that would not have stopped their meeting from proceeding. 

“Yes we did have a meeting, the locals were receiving seed but no one stopped their meeting,” said the chief.

“They should get authority from the responsible authority and not lie. What type of leaders will they be of lie. They must tell the truth.”

Lulu Brenda Harris

Lulu Brenda Harris is a senior news reporter at CITE. Harris writes on politics, migration, health, education, environment, conservation and sustainable development. Her work has helped keep the public informed, promoting accountability and transparency in Zimbabwe.

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