
Involvement of CUT in the e-recruitment of nurses questioned

Mashonaland Central Senator, Angeline Tongogara, has questioned the involvement of Chinhoyi University of Science and Technology (CUT) in the e-recruitment of nurses.

The government, in a bid to address corruption in the recruitment of nurses in the country, adopted an online application system in August last year, which has had its onw fair share of challenges.

During written submissions without notice in Parliament last Thursday, Tongogara asked Higher and Tertiary Education, Innovation, Science and Technology Development Minister, Amon Murwira to explain why CUT was managing the nursing applications platform when there is a Department of Information Technologies in the Ministry of Health and Child Care.

In his response Murwira said it was not true that the university in question was managing the recruitment of nurses.

โ€œFirstly, it is not a fact that Chinhoyi University of Science and Technology (CUT) manages the nursing applications platform on behalf of the Department of Information Technologies in the Ministry of Health and Child Care,โ€ said Murwira.ย 

 โ€œThe correct position is that the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education, Innovation, Science and Technology Development through it its Science and Technology Division is mandated to assist public or private institutions in creating technologies and in this regard, ICT technology. The Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education, Innovation, Science and Technology Development, through CUT assisted in developing the application for managing recruitment of nurses.โ€  

Murwira added: โ€œThis application was handed over to the Ministry of Health and Child Care on completion of the development process.  CUT is not involved in any way in the day to day management of the said system for managing recruitment of nurses.โ€

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