Xhosa community radio station on the way

Chief Ndondo of Mbembesi has confirmed that the Xhosa community is working with the government to set up a community radio station, Ingqanga FM, to help preserve their language, culture and heritage.
The Broadcasting Authority of Zimbabwe (BAZ) has already given the station a licence.
The chief made the announcement during a visit to Mbembesi by South Africa’s IsiXhosa-language radio station, Umhlobo Wenene FM, which was on a cultural exchange trip with other IsiXhosa members in Zimbabwe.
In an interview with CITE on the sidelines of the cultural exchange event, Chief Ndondo said that the government was assisting them in bringing Ingqanga FM to fruition.
“The government says it already has the broadcasting machine and we can collect the machines for engineers to install once we finish the renovations that are in place for the studio,” said Chief Ndondo.
The location of the community radio station will be at Ngxingweni village.
The chief also said that the Broadcasting Authority of Zimbabwe (BAZ) had assured them that it would participate in the training and grooming of the broadcasters.
“In future, we hope to get talent from both radio stations – Ingqanga FM and Umhlobo Wenene FM working together,” he added.
Umhlobo Wenene FM Station Manager Loyiso Bala praised the idea of the Xhosa community having their own radio station.
“The people of Mbembesi in Zimbabwe cannot hear (Umhlobo Wenene FM) radio station because it is South African based. But we came to listen to our Xhosa counterparts here and in listening we heard that there are some needs they want such as getting into broadcasting,” said Bala.
“The community said they have started a studio.”
Bala stated that he would sit down with his management in South Africa to discuss what broadcasting support they might provide to the Xhosa community in Mbembesi.
“I am going to get together with my management and we will see how we can definitely assist them in making sure that their voice is actually heard in the region and country,” said Bala.
Hi. I hope I find you well. I need help from you on how I can get in touch with Chief Ndondo of Mbembesi or anyone from Mbembezi community.
Please help if you can