#AsakheElection Watch 2018News

“Central govt must support council”

Tanaka Mrewa

Lack of transparency from central government hinders development of residential areas says a re-elected councillor of Bulawayo’s Ward 4.

Cllr Silas Chigora who won a second term in the council chambers remarked how important it is for central government to work closely with council to enhance development in the country.

He said roads are in a sorry state, there is no lighting yet the council cannot afford to repair these.

In an interview with CITE, Cllr Chigora said such organisations as ZINARA need to be transparent about the money they make and give substantive amounts to various councils.

“According to a report I read for 2010 May, Bulawayo was making about $310 000 per quarter. Now vehicles have increased by about 5 to 10 fold. There’s no development but our people are paying lots of money. The city could be making at least $1.2million per quarter which is quite sufficient for development.

“There is need for policies that make such organisations’ figures be exposed to the people, in that case they would remit all they are supposed to. People would be able to detect where the shortcomings are emanating from. The council on its own can’t afford,” said Chigora.

Chigora said water supply problems in Bulawayo can be solved should the Gwayi-Shangani river project be done.

“We realise that Bulawayo has 6 dams as water sources since independence yet there plenty new suburbs in the city. Population has grown that means demand for water has increased. If the central government can embark on an $800 million yet they fail to spare $200 million for a smaller urgent project,” he said.

Cllr Chigora said the council needs to revise its budgeting system and remit funds to wards as according to their contribution.

“Wards have various peculiarities and they also pay rates differently. It would be best if these funds would be given back to the community. Putting these monies in one basket is a bit unfair. The council also needs to strengthen the 3% retention fund to enhance development. At the end of the day people misdirect their anger to the councillor yet he is just a messenger who needs resources from the council,” he said.

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