ARVs shortage hits Zim

Zimbabwe is facing a shortage of critical antiretroviral drugs due to reduced global production and delayed shipments from suppliers due to the global Covid-19 lockdown restrictions.

The Ministry of Health and Child Care has since advised that patients on Atazanavir/ritonavir (ATV/r) treatment should be given one monthโ€™s supplies until stocks improve.

In 2016, MOHCC launched Antiretro Viral Therapy (ART) national guidelines and these guidelines recommend the use of Atazanavir/ritonavir (ATV/r) 300mg/100mg to adolescents and adults on second-line ART.

 โ€œThis circular serves to notify you that we are experiencing a national shortage of ATV/r, due to reduced global production and shipments from suppliers as a result of the global COVID-19 lockdown restrictions,โ€ the acting permanent secretary, Dr Gibson Mhlanga said in a circular to the country`s health officials.

Dr Mhlanga added: โ€œPatients on ATV/r 300mg/100mg should be given up to one month of supplies until the situation improves. The district and provincial pharmacy managers to actively support stock management.โ€

He further advised that โ€œIf ATV/r 300mg/100mg is no longer available, in consultation with the district and provincial pharmacy manager, it should be temporarily substituted with DTG 50 mg, until ATV/r becomes available.โ€

โ€œPlease note that the Lopinavir/ritonavir is not a viable substitute for Atazanavir/ritonavir as there are no sufficient quantities in the country to cover the gap,โ€ he warned.

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