
ZAPU guns for Gwanda South constituency

ZAPU plans to hold what it says is a historic public gathering at Manama Business Centre to demonstrate that it is a formidable challenger for the Gwanda South constituency in the upcoming harmonised elections.

The meeting will be held on March 25, 2023. 

ZAPU Matabeleland South Provincial Information and Publicity Secretary, Victor Vodloza, told CITE that this public meeting is crucial because it would provide the party and its supporters a direction as the country approached the polls.

โ€œThe ZAPU leadership wants to give a clear and profound public message of hope. What makes this meeting extraordinary and exceptional is that the electorate in Gwanda South requested it in light of the popularity of ZAPU in the area,โ€ he said. 

โ€œZAPU  has gained momentum in Manama and surrounding areas so as a party that cares for the interests of all Zimbabweans, we are encouraging all members of the community to attend the meeting on the 25 of March so that we finish the unfinished business of liberating the people of Zimbabwe.โ€

Manama, according to Vodloza, has historical significance for ZAPU, dating back to when the party was under attack from the State during the Gukurahundi genocide.

โ€œItโ€™s time to bring a complete change in Zimbabwe through the revolutionary party and ZAPU is the solution. Manama used to be the stronghold of ZAPU, even during the height of Gukurahundi as our supporters surrounding Manama remained strong and unshakable,โ€ he said.

โ€œItโ€™s time for the sons and daughters of Zimbabwe to stand up and finish the unfinished business which was hijacked by those who were hungry for power.โ€ 

Vodloza claimed the party was working hard to meet as many potential voters as it could before the elections.

โ€œInitially, the meeting was scheduled for the 1st of March 2023, but the police delayed issuing the clearance letter. The meeting will be held at Manama Business Centre and will commence at exactly 10 am. The revolutionary party is working very hard to fulfill its promise to regularly meet bonafide members,โ€ he said.ย 

โ€œThe issuance of a clearance letter by the police affirms that the meeting will be safe for all citizens to attend in their numbers. We urge all Zimbabweans from all walks of life to Join the People’s party with a crystal clear emancipation strategy, vision and ideology. Oginye iZapu uginye iPoison, Oyitshayileyo akayidobhanga, Oyidobhileyo akayichuthanga, Oyichuthileyo akayiwosanga, Oyiwosileyo akayidlanga, Oyidlileyo udli Cala.โ€

ZAPU national organiser, Ndodana Moyo, concurred the meeting at Manawa would be a great way to boost the partyโ€™s campaigns having launched their electoral campaign last year in Plumtree.

โ€œItโ€™s campaign season and what better way to show our presence than hosting a rally. As an organised party, this is why it is important that ZAPU picks the right locations, which are sentimental and will attract the crowds we expect. We also made sure that we have permission to host the meeting as we donโ€™t want disturbances from the State,โ€ he said.

Lulu Brenda Harris

Lulu Brenda Harris is a seasoned senior news reporter at CITE. Harris writes on politics, migration, health, education, environment, conservation and sustainable development. Her work has helped keep the public informed, promoting accountability and transparency in Zimbabwe.

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