
ZAPU backs CCC call for fresh election

The Zimbabwe African People’s Union (ZAPU) has thrown its weight behind the Citizens Coalition for Change’s (CCC) call for fresh elections in Zimbabwe.

The opposition party says the fresh polls must be supervised by SADC, the African Union and other progressive parties.

ZAPU agrees with the position taken by CCC, saying the 2023 elections were a farce.

“Well done CCC. Glad we are finding each other. We reject this sham in total. Both the process and the results. Now let’s converge and build,” said the party.

On Tuesday, CCC announced that Zimbabwe needs a new and proper election after Zanu PF’s Emmerson Mnangagwa was proclaimed the winner with 52,6 percent of the vote – handing him another five-year term.

CCC leader, Nelson Chamisa received 44 percent and has refused to accept the result on the basis that the elections were riddled with irregularities, which occurred in the run-up to and on the actual day of the elections.

According to ZAPU, it has been involved in Zimbabwean elections since 1980 but has “never seen such brazen theft and sodomy in democracy as seen on August 23, 2023.”

“We reject the sham outrightly!” ZAPU declared.

The revolutionary party also expressed dissatisfaction with remarks made by the Head of Delegation of the Namibian Observer Mission, Ndali Che Kamati, who claimed that those who criticised the Zimbabwean election wanted to overthrow the liberation movement.

However, ZAPU noted that the party was an authentic liberation movement but would not permit selfish interests to rule Zimbabwe.

“We’re a liberation movement. The liberation war was never about entitlement to rule. It was about freedom to choose and associate. A selfish liberation is no liberation. Let our children take the project forward. Self-preservation is not revolutionary!” ZAPU stated.

SADC and other international observation missions criticized Zimbabwe’s elections for falling short of the requirements set in the country’s constitution.

Headed by former Zambian vice president Dr Nevers Mumba, the SADC Election Observer Mission refused to endorse the outcome for failing to meet the regional body’s guidelines on democratic, free and fair polls.

These findings were dismissed by Zanu PF, with Mnangagwa saying those who are not satisfied with the election can use legal channels to challenge the outcome.

Meanwhile, a panel of SADC elders led by former Tanzanian President Jikaya Kikwete is in Zimbabwe on a fact-finding mission over the disputed polls.

Their meetings will exclude Dr Mumba, whose preliminary findings report angered both Zanu PF and the government.

Lulu Brenda Harris

Lulu Brenda Harris is a senior news reporter at CITE. Harris writes on politics, migration, health, education, environment, conservation and sustainable development. Her work has helped keep the public informed, promoting accountability and transparency in Zimbabwe.

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