
You will eat what you sow, President tells Zimbabweans

President Emmerson Mngangagwa has underscored that in order for the country to attain Vision 2030, Zimbabweans have to work hard and push productivity across all sectors.

In his speech at the third edition of the annual National Thanksgiving and Dedication Service held at the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair Grounds Sunday in Bulawayo, President Mnangagwa stressed that the country required more productivity to accomplish Vision 2030.

The church service was organised by the Faith for the Nation Campaign, an interdenominational grouping of local churches under the theme: ‘Counting our Blessings: Let us, through Home-Grown Unity, Affirm Work and Pray to Achieve our National Vision.’

Mnangagwa highlighted his government was accelerating its quest to attain Vision 2030 for Zimbabwe to become a middle income economy but urged people to work harder for it to happen.

Uchadya cheziya (you will eat what you sow). You must work,” he said, as he emphasised on production.

“In 2020 we will focus on making sure there is higher productivity across all sector of the economy creating decent jobs empowering our people and satisfying the needs of our people to improve the standard of living.”

Mnangagwa then preached about “peace, love, unity and harmony,” saying he embraced these virtues which were “espoused by the Second Republic.”

He added that it was important to thank the Lord for the blessings bestowed on Zimbabwe.

“In this spirit we have come here to thank the Lord for what he has done for us and to obey his word by asking him for the things that we need as a nation. As we compile new wish lists we acknowledge the blessings he has bestowed on us as we pursue the aspirations of the Second Republic.

“We thank him for empowering us as government to define a clever path towards the attainment of strong democratic modern inclusive peaceful just and prosperous society. We pray that the Lord gives wisdom to forge ahead pressuring towards the goal,” claimed the President.

Mnangagwa also expressed gratitude at the “solid relationship” that exists between the churches and the government in Zimbabwe

“In the Bible, God consistently defines a positive relationship between the leadership of countries and the spiritual leaders the relationship is a mutually supportive one. Indeed we recognise the important role played by the Church as you interceded for peace harmony unity and development in our nation, as well as the country’s leadership in general,” he said.

On that note, Mnangagwa disclosed that his vice, Constantino Chiwenga had returned to China for a medical review.

He did not divulge when the retired army general left the country but appealed to the church to “pray for his recovery.”

Chiwenga spent four months in China under the intensive care unit, where he received medical treatment for idiopathic oesophageal stricture, a disease that prevented him from ingesting food or vomit.

The vice president only returned back to the country in November 23.

Quoting biblical verses, Mnangagwa said faith without works is dead and paid homage to the church for the “many developmental projects and philanthropic work” they had done.

“These include schools and health facilities dotted around the country. We acknowledge your contribution to various sectors of the economy and encourage you to increase productivity in all your respective projects, collectively as churches and in your individual pursuits.

“Vision 2030 depends on investment by each and every one of us for its success,” he said.

Mnangagwa also said government would avail more ZUPCO buses during the coming week, as part of affording cheap transportation.

Last month, Mnangagwa commissioned 76 new ZUPCO buses in Bulawayo which were set to ply rural routes in Matabeleland North and Matabeleland South provinces.

“Meanwhile more drugs and equipment have been ordered for our health care centres at every level,” he said, adding the government would continue to make sure food relief reaches vulnerable communities and that infrastructure rehabilitation are accelerated.

“In view of the impact of climate change, more boreholes will be drilled in water deficient areas for the short to medium term. In the long term more dams are being constructed to improve on water harvesting. We appeal to the Church to continue to pray for abundant rains and a god harvest,” appealed the president.

The National Thanksgiving and Dedication Service was also attended by Vice President Kembo Mohadi, Minister of State for Bulawayo Metropolitan Judith Ncube, President of the Chiefs Council, Chief Fortune Charumbira, parliamentarians, senators, business community, youths and war veterans who also delivered their solidarity messages.

Faith for the Nation Campaign chairperson, Reverend Andrew Wutawunashe, expressed the churches’ support for Mnangagwa’s administration and policies while Bishop Nehemiah Mutendi, patron of the Indigenous Zimbabwe Interdenominational Council of Churches led a prayer session for the country.

Lulu Brenda Harris

Lulu Brenda Harris is a senior news reporter at CITE. Harris writes on politics, migration, health, education, environment, conservation and sustainable development. Her work has helped keep the public informed, promoting accountability and transparency in Zimbabwe.

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