Social Media

Whatsapp Now Labels Forwarded Messages In Attempt To Combat Spam

Whatsapp is constantly adding new features, some more important than others and they have introduced another feature and depending on how you see things it may be important or useless.

If you have an upto date version of Whatsapp you will now be able to see if the message youโ€™re receiving is being forwarded from another conversation. Just above the message there will be an icon accompanied by the text โ€˜forwarded.โ€™ This will help differentiate between messages actually typed out and forwarded as received.

Whatโ€™s the point?

Whatsapp introduced the feature in order to combat people who spam other groups and to try and control the spread of fake news. Whatsappโ€™s intentions are good but we donโ€™t really see how this will stop someone from forwarding something and then claiming itโ€™s from a legitimate source. Maybe if you could trace the origins of the message but then again thatโ€™s probably illegal.

If you accuse a user of spamming other users Whatsapp will be able to check the number of people a user forwarded a particular message and then decide whether or not to take action on said user.

Minor hiccupโ€ฆ

Though this is a welcome feature the only problem is that if someone decides to copy and paste a message instead of forwarding it will not be reported as a forwarded message. This makes the feature more redundant because, in essence, people can just bypass the entire feature with a simple trick. It will be interesting to see if Whatsapp can actually bring this feature to messages that have been copied and pasted within the application.

Sipho Mhlanga

"I didn't come this far, only to come this far. "

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