
We are a government in waiting: Chamisa

The Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) leader, Nelson Chamisa, says his newly formed party is ready to take over power from Zanu PF in the next elections due next year.

He made the remarks while addressing a rally in Tsholotsho Business Center, Monday, where he also urged locals to go and register to vote and those without national identity documents, to seek assistance in getting them. 

“We have noticed that people don’t have birth certificates, National IDs ….We want everyone in the registration book so that you are able to vote. If you have an ID go and register to vote, if you don’t have an ID get help so that you are able to register and vote.

“If you want our brothers, parents, husbands, wives who are in South Africa to come back home, please let’s go and register to vote. For those that are not registered, your vote is going to be defended. 2023 we want to defeat Zanu PF  by a wide margin…a landslide,” he said.

Chamisa rallied party supporters to vote for the party’s Tsholotsho South Constituency candidate, Tapson Nganunu Sibanda in the upcoming by-elections.

Sibanda will battle it out with Bongani Moyo (Independent), Leonard Mthombeni (ZAPU), and Musa Ncube (ZANU PF) for the vacant seat.

The Tsholotsho South National Assembly seat fell vacant in August last year following the death of Zenzo Sibanda (ZANU-PF) who succumbed to Covid-19.

Chamisa also lamented the poor road infrastructure in Tsholotsho saying it was a result of bad governance.

“I saw the road infrastructure, it’s not a road…If you want to see the nature of your government, just look at your pocket. If you don’t have money in your pocket just know that there’s no good government. 

“If you want to see a bad government leave, just register to vote. If you want to see the nature of your government, go to the schools and see the salaries they are getting, look at how families have been destroyed…

“Some have gone to South Africa but we want them back here to fix our country to be one as a family…We should thank Injiva (Zimbabweans based in South Africa) for their wonderful work they are doing because we would be starving more than we are starving at the moment..”

He said the Zanu PF was on its way out in the next elections and his party was ready to take over the reins.

“Under the CCC government… and that government is coming, they know that in Zanu PF that there’s a new government coming,” said Chamisa.

“Why should we have 42 years and have one government, why should we have 42 years and just have one political party in government. Why should we have 42 years of just one president who then pretends that he has changed yet he hasn’t changed,” he added. 

Chamisa also noted that locals were not being given first preference when it came to job opportunities vowing that his government would change their fortunes.

“I’m aware that they don’t give you the respect you deserve…they say these are Khoikhois, Amasili saying alisobantu …I know they are employment opportunities around but they are not given to locals. That is a problem I know that you are not happy with that, you told me that local opportunities must be available to the local people, local resources must develop local communities,” he said.

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