
Umvutsha cemetery traffic prompts call for road rehab

Residents of Harrisvale in Bulawayo are appealing to the Bulawayo City Council (BCC) to resurface Cosmos Road, citing the increased traffic from funeral processions headed to uMvutsha Cemetery. 

They say the road has deteriorated due to the surge in vehicles, causing safety concerns and hindering the flow of traffic.

Cosmos Road has become a critical route for many funeral processions from both eastern and western suburbs, connecting them to the uMvutsha Cemetery.

The heavy traffic has led to significant wear and tear while the unpaved road has become a hazard for residents and motorists alike.

Stephen Dewa, a concerned resident, addressed the issue in a letter to the local authority, saying the road and suburb have seen a lot of traffic with mourners going to uMvutsha Cemetery.

“Over the past several months, the volume of traffic on this road has increased significantly, largely due to the high number of vehicles travelling to uMvutsha Cemetery,” he said. 

“The road condition has deteriorated, impacting both the safety of motorists and the overall flow of traffic.”

Dewa urged the local council to consider resurfacing the road to ensure safer travel, especially given the heavy use by large funeral processions. 

“We kindly request that the council address this to accommodate the current traffic demands and to ensure safer travel for all road users.”

Despite previous complaints from residents, the road remains in poor condition, and many are hopeful that this renewed request will prompt action from the city council to improve the road infrastructure and ease the burden on those living in the area.

Another concerned resident, Mr Dubley hoped that Dewa’s communication would help as he noted that he and other residents had contacted the local authority about the road with no luck.

“We have mentioned this road many times in the past,” he said.

Ward 2 Councillor, Rendani Moyo, confirmed the concerns raised by residents, acknowledging the challenges faced by the community. 

“Cosmos Road is now witnessing increased traffic due to the existence of uMvutsha Cemetery. The issues raised are accurate, and I have shared this communication with Engineer Dibidi (Acting Director of Works),” Moyo told CITE.

Other residents echoed Dewa’s concerns, pointing out the adverse health and environmental effects of the road’s poor condition. 

“The dust caused by the traffic on this dusty road is unbearable; it is a health hazard for households along the roadside,” one resident said.

Another resident added, “The whole area is affected. I have seen it when funeral convoys pass through. Buses and high-powered vehicles rip the road, and the dust is just too much.”

Lulu Brenda Harris

Lulu Brenda Harris is a senior news reporter at CITE. Harris writes on politics, migration, health, education, environment, conservation and sustainable development. Her work has helped keep the public informed, promoting accountability and transparency in Zimbabwe.

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