Teenager tries to defraud shop using Ecocash

A teenager from Nketa 7 suburb has been fined $100 for shoplifting from Rumrich supermarket in Nkulumane suburb.
A court heard that Rejoice Muneta (18) ran out of luck after a till operator realised that she had presented a fake ecocash payment confirmation message for groceries worth $53.35.
Muneta pleaded guilty to a theft charge before Western Commonage magistrate Lungile Ncube.
She apologised to the court saying it was not intentional that she committed the offense.
“I’m sorry Your Worship. What I did was a terrible mistake. I promise it will not happen again, ” pleaded Muneta.
Magistrate Ncube fined Muneta $100 for which failure to pay by 6 June at 4PM would attract a jail term of 90 days.
Prosecuting, Nathan Marime told the court that on May 2, Muneta went to Rumrich supermarket where she stole groceries.
“Accused picked two 2ltr Mazoe, two packets of 2kg sugar, 10kg Parlenta mealie-meal, mayonnaise, OMO washing powder, Sta-Soft, 5kg rice, green bar soap, Jade bath soap and 2ltr cooking oil. She told complainant that she would pay using ecocash.
“Accused presented a forged message she purported to be an ecocash confirmation message that she had paid an amount of $53.35 to the supermarket. Complainant realised that the message was a fake one and alerted the security guards by the door. Accused tried to run away but she was apprehended and taken to Nkulumane police station.