
Suspected baby snatcher set free

A Pumula South woman in Bulawayo who had been arrested on allegations of kidnapping a five-weeks-old baby on Saturday has been set free by a local magistrate after the state failed to prove a case against her.

Bulawayo Magistrate Lizwe Jamela ruled that the allegations brought against Beauty Dube (43) did not show any evidence of kidnapping and there was a breakdown in communication between the twin baby`s mother and Dube.

He said the matter would proceed by way of summons should new details emerge. 

According to the State, Dube approached the child`s mother Siphosenkosi Luphahla (26), informing her that there was a lady who was looking to hire a shop assistant.

The court heard that when they got into the city centre, Dube called the lady but she took a long time to come and Dube ended up calling another person (whose identity was not disclosed in court) to ask for transport money to go back home. 

State representative, Terence Chakabuda, said after the phone call, Dube left under the pretext of going to collect the transport money and she never returned with the baby. 

“On the 19th of February, at 11 AM Luphahla, her twin daughters (Nonhle and Enhle ) together with Dube left Pumula South and proceeded to the CBD to meet a lady whom she had told Luphahla wanted an employee as a shop assistant,” said Chakabuda. 

“When they arrived in town opposite Edgar’s shop along Hebert Chitepo, between 6th Avenue and Leopold Takawira avenue, Dube called the employer and told Luphahla that she had said she was on her way from Cowdray Park.” 

Chakabuda added that a few minutes later, Dube phoned another person asking for transport money to return to Pumula South since the employer was delaying.

“Dube, who was carrying one of the twins, Enhle, then left Luphahla near the entrance of 3 Steps shop under the pretext of going to collect transport money. Luphahla waited for Dube who did not return,” he said. 

Chakabuda said Luphahla then went to ZRP Central police station where she filed a report.

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