
Opposition accuses Zanu PF of betraying heroes

... calls for accountability amidst escalating human rights violations

Zimbabwe’s opposition parties claim that the sacrifices of the country’s heroes have been betrayed by those in power, who have shown brutality, violated human rights, engaged in rampant corruption without transparency and accountability.

Since 1980, the Zanu PF-led government has been accused of these violations.

In commemoration of Heroes Day, ZAPU and The Patriotic Front (TPF) said they honour the sacrifices of those who fought for Zimbabwe’s independence and freedom but are also reminded of the harsh realities facing the country today. 

The TPF’s Youth League, known as The Young Patriots, stated that the struggles of Zimbabwe’s heroes have been betrayed by leaders prioritising their interests over the values of equality, justice and freedom.

“We are witnessing escalating allegations of assault, abductions, and human rights violations in our communities, perpetuated by systemic failures and impunity. As the youth league of TPF, we are outraged and demand immediate action from our leaders to address these atrocities and ensure accountability for the perpetrators,” said Dennis Kapere, Director of the Young Patriots.

Kapere expressed solidarity with the victims and their families and pledged to amplify their voices and stories.

He quoted past youth heroes and leaders, Joshua Nkomo and Edison Zvobgo, emphasising the need for the youth to take control of their destiny and fight for a better future. 

Kapere called for an immediate investigation into allegations of assault, abductions, and human rights violations, accountability for perpetrators, protection and support for victims and their families, reforms to address systemic failures, provide justice and equality for all.

“As the Young Patriots, we will not rest until our communities are safe, just, and free from oppression,” Kapere added.

ZAPU Presidential Spokesperson Patron Nketha stated that as the country observes Heroes Day, citizens should reflect on the human rights abuses and impunity of state actors that have plagued Zimbabwe since gaining independence. 

He noted that despite a long and arduous journey from 1980 to 2024, establishing a developmental state that respects, promotes, and defends human rights remains elusive.

“Our gallant sons and daughters who sacrificed their precious lives in the struggle against colonialism feel insulted and betrayed by the brutality, human rights violations, rampant corruption, lack of transparency, and accountability exhibited by the Zanu PF-led government since 1980,” Nketha said.

Nketha argued that Zanu PF survives on the country’s wealth and instilling fear in the general citizenry, buttressed by an “equally captured state security apparatus.”

He accused the ruling party of thriving on its total capture of publicly funded media to promote its draconian ideologies under the guise of nation-building.

“We exist in a country that has a Fascist structure inspired by the failed Hitler and Mussolini regimes of the 1930s,” Nketha claimed. 

“Violence against citizens is the only deliverable the clueless Zanu PF regime can maintain while the economy it inherited from colonialism crumbles.”

The ZAPU Presidential Spokesperson asserted that for the past 44 years, Zimbabwe has “never” witnessed free, fair, and credible elections guided by constitutionally aligned electoral processes, independent electoral administration, or a stable political environment.

“The sham electoral charade of August 2023 could be one of Africa’s most fraudulent elections in recent history,” Nketha concluded.

He added that “thankfully,” the SADC Election Observer Mission, led by Dr Nevers Mumba, condemned the rigged election in the strongest terms. 

“Consequently, only three sitting presidents showed up to watch the inauguration that gave President Mnangagwa his second stolen mandate.”

“President Mnangagwa has not recovered from the embarrassment of African leaders snubbing his inauguration. He is a wounded crocodile, but the imminent SADC Summit to be hosted in Harare offers his brutal regime a golden chance to mend its dented image.”

Nketha stated that the SADC Summit is expected to serve only the narrow interests of Zanu PF at the expense of long-suffering Zimbabweans.

“The rogue regime is pulling out all the stops to create a façade of legitimacy and economic progress. In reality, it has mastered the art of denying citizens the right to choose a government of their choice while manipulating statistics to dispute the reality of Zimbabwe’s economic decay,” he said.

“Zanu PF might deceive the few SADC leaders who fail to notice the fresh paint in their newly refurbished hotel rooms, but their ambassadors stationed in Harare can never be fooled.” 

He added that the number of Zimbabwean economic refugees spilling into the SADC region will continue to speak louder than Zanu PF’s propaganda machine.

“Zanu PF is a patrimonial and spoils-centred hybrid regime,” he said, lamenting that Zimbabwe’s situation is worsened by shortcomings in regional and continental peer review mechanisms to rein in oppressive regimes.

 “Lost is the right-to-protect principle that inspired revolutionaries like Tanzania’s Mwalimu Julius Nyerere to depose the mindless Idi Amin regime in Uganda. Our African revolutionary ideals have been watered down by neo-colonial and capital interests, paving the way for nepotism and patronage.”

Nketha added that Zimbabwe needs a paradigm shift for the 2028 elections to restore the one-man-one-vote ideal for which the country’s heroes died, stressing that a united, patriotic opposition front is needed to challenge Zanu PF.

 “To honour our living and fallen heroes, let us unite as opposition parties to unshackle ourselves from the rogue regime mocking our revolutionary heroes and starving our people in a land so richly blessed by God,” he said.

Lulu Brenda Harris

Lulu Brenda Harris is a senior news reporter at CITE. Harris writes on politics, migration, health, education, environment, conservation and sustainable development. Her work has helped keep the public informed, promoting accountability and transparency in Zimbabwe.

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