NUST student in court for 31 July protests

A third year student at the National University of Science and Technology (NUST) has been arraigned before the courts for allegedly partaking in the planned July 31 anti-corruption protests
The court heard that student went to TM supermarket at Ascot Shopping center in Bulawayo and while inside, displayed a placard, did her shopping and after paying removed it and placed it in her bag.
According to the State, the student was caught on CCTV footage after an anonymous call was made to the police.
Panashe Vongai Sivindani who was represented by Bruce Masamvu of Mutatu, Masamvu and Da Silva-Gustavo Law Chambers, appeared before Bulawayo magistrate Shepherd Mjanja facing a charge of inciting public violence.
She was granted ZWL$2 000 bail.
As part of her bail conditions, Sivindani was ordered to report once a fortnight at Bulawayo Central police station until the case is finalised.
Magistrate Mjanja remanded her to August 12.
For the State, George Rufumoyo told the court that on July 31, at around 1PM information was received from an anonymous caller to the effect that an unknown demonstrator entered TM supermarket at Ascot Shopping center.
“Accused had gone to do her shopping and while inside she displayed a placard inscribed #NoToCorruption #FreeHopewell #NoToNepotism #NoCommissionedLawEnforcementAndJusticeSystem and #WeWantAccountability,” Rufumoyo said.ย
“The police carried out some investigations and proceeded to the shopping center where the manager pulled out CCTV footage, which showed Sivindani removing the placard from her bag, wearing it and proceeding to do her shopping. After making her payment she removed the placard and placed it in her bag. Investigations led to her arrest but the demonstration material was not recovered.”