NUST shuts down campus after Covid-19 scare

The National University of Science and Technology (NUST) has been forced to shut down its main campus in Bulawayo after being notified that one of their students could have been exposed to Covid-19.

The student shares accommodation outside campus with a roommate who is being traced by the Rapid Response Team (RRT).

โ€œAll activities on campus for both staff and students are suspended with effect from end of day Friday the 24th of July until further notice,โ€ said Nust Registrar, Biggy Ngwenya, in an urgent notice to students and staff.

โ€œAll students in the University Halls of Residence except foreign students must vacate by 10:00 hours on Saturday the 25th of July 2020.

The university advised students that all lectures will be conducted online.

โ€œThe University is working on modalities to facilitate efficient online teaching and learning; staff and students will be updated in due course.โ€

Examinations which had been scheduled after July 24, have been deferred till further notice.

โ€œFinal year projects will be submitted on line; students should consult their departments,โ€ Ngwenya said.

He added that marking of all written examinations will continue as planned.

โ€œOnly critical staff including those that are involved in the PCR-testing, production of sanitisers and PPE, cleaning and security will be allowed on campus. Other staff members can only report for duty on campus if specifically requested by their supervisors to do so,โ€ said Ngwenya.

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