
Nurses threaten to down tools

The Zimbabwe Professional Nurses Union (ZPNU) has threatened to down tools as they are incapacitated to continue offering their services.

The union joins several other civil servants associations who are threatening to down their tools due to low salaries and deteriorating working conditions.

On average a nurse earns $30 000 which is less than US$100 in the parallel market.

In a letter addressed to the Executive Director of the Health Services Board of the Parirenyatwa Group of hospitals dated 14 June and signed by ZPNU national president Robert Chiduku and Chikobvu who is the secretary general, members of the union will cease to offer their services from June 20.

โ€œWe wish to notify you that our members will not be able to turn up for duty starting on Monday, the 20th of June 2022, until the following conditions are met,โ€ reads the letter.

The union demanded to be paid in United States dollars due to loss of value of the Zimbabwean dollar and the exorbiant prices in the market.

They also demanded the reopening of the negotiation forum as the Health Service Board has not met employees, citing endless consultative process.

ZPNU also ordered that Primary Care Nurses must be โ€œput in the right grades.โ€

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