
New Dispensation open to dialogue: Dr Mpofu

By Dumisani Dlodlo

ZANU PF has told the Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops’ Conference (ZCBS) that the new dispensation was open for dialogue on matters which contribute towards the socio-economic development of the country.

This was said by the ZANU PF Secretary for Administration, Dr Obert Mpofu, Monday, in direct response to a pastoral letter by the clerics.

โ€œAs a Party we abhor the letter ascribed by the Roman Catholic Archbishop and others and insist that the Party is open for dialogue on matters which contribute towards the socio-economic development of the country. An adversarial tenuous relationship does not auger well for development,โ€ Dr Mpofu said.

Dr Mpofu also urged ZANU PF members to refrain from making statements that ostracize the party from the people.

โ€œSome of the comments we are reading are not helping at all. We do not want to backslide to our dark past where some of us picked a fight everywhere with everyone.

โ€œSome of these comments are not reflective of the thinking and values of the New Dispensation as espoused by President Emmerson Mnangagwa,โ€ Dr Mpofu said.

Dr Mpofu implored ZANU PF members to remain focused on the delivery of the party’s manifesto.

โ€œLet us not be distracted from our main agenda to transform the economic fortunes of the country. Let us not utter statements that are detrimental to national unity and cohesion,โ€ he said.

Dr Mpofu went on to welcome the appointment of the new Health, Agriculture and Energy Ministers by President Mnangagwa.

โ€œWe respect the wisdom and vision of His Excellency, the President and First Secretary of our Party in appointing our Vice President and Second Secretary Gen (rtd) Dr. CGN Chiwenga as the new Minister of Health and Child Care.

โ€œHis assumption of duty as the Minister, at a time when there has been a protracted strike in the Health fraternity, will go a long way in resuscitating the health delivery system and management of the dreaded COVID 19 pandemic.

โ€œAlso on the same note we congratulate Dr Jerome Masuka as the new Minister of Agriculture to carry the torch in the Agricultural sector and lead in the Pfumvudza/Ugatshompo flagship programme which was the passion of his predecessor. We should congratulate the new Minister of Energy and Power development Cde Soda Zhemu the MP from Muzarabani and wish him well in his endeavours,โ€ Dr Mpofu said.

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One Comment

  1. I can not believe that in this day and age, a government minister could be talking about “Ugatshompo”, hand tool method to feed a nation! This is evidence of a fossilised and clueless, hapless and irrelevant government system in the 4IR erra. What a shame. Zimbabwean people deserve better leadership not Stone and Iron-age calibre.

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