
MRP mourns ex-ZPRA fighter Sharp Shoot

The Mthwakazi Republic Party (MRP) says it is regrettable that liberation war heroes continue to struggle for survival as they are not recognised by the State, or if they are, it is late in their life.

MRP President, Mqondisi Moyo, made these remarks while sending condolences to the late ex-ZPRA freedom fighter, David Mongwa Moyo, also known as Sharp Shoot, who died early Saturday morning at Mpilo Central Hospital, where he had been hospitalised.

โ€œIt is with a heavy heart that I convey my condolence message to the family of our great man whom the Zimbabwe government failed to uplift and accord him the rewards he deserved,โ€ Moyo said.

โ€œSharp Shoot did his military training in North Korea mastering guerrilla warfare and commando, and in other places outside Rhodesia. He contributed immensely to the independence of Zimbabwe though he could not enjoy the benefits of the so called independence that only benefitted (a few).โ€

The MRP leader stated that it was unfair and disappointing how a majority of ZPRA veterans were sidelined by the State, yet they partook in โ€˜massiveโ€™ battles against the colonial regimes. 

โ€œDuring the liberation struggle David Sharp Shoot Moyo took part in the Wankie battle in a joint operation with Umkhonto Wesizwe and ZPRA. David Moyo was a brother to the late and unsung hero Jason Ziyaphapha Moyo,โ€ he noted, adding how Jason Ziyaphapha was another hero, who was not fully honoured.

Moyo claimed that Sharp Shoot understood the cause of MRP, seeing how the country was sliding backwards.

โ€œWhen MRP was formed I personally sought a meeting with Sharp Shoot and he welcomed the idea of forming a party that would defend the state of Mthwakazi. He became one of our elders as he also participated in our launch of the party at Presbyterian Church in Bulawayo on January 11, 2014,โ€ said the MRP leader.

โ€œOn May 2, 2016, MRP celebrated Sharp Shootโ€™s 91th birthday with his family where the party provided some goodies to the late Sharpshoot at his residence in Emganwini suburb. These included blankets, groceries and other stuff.โ€

Moyo added that the late veteran would always visit him when he used to work at  Mhlahlandlela government offices, where he worked as an assistant accountant.

โ€œNever would he come to the city centre without paying me a visit. I would say to him, โ€˜Mdala itโ€™s my duty to always visit you, โ€˜ he will reply and say,  โ€˜you are our president and I need to check on you everytime,โ€™โ€ he said.

The MRP leader said he was devastated that the former ZPRA fighter had died without fulfilling his dream of meeting former South African President, Jacob Zuma.

โ€œSharp Shoot would say to me, โ€˜mntanami before I die I want to meet President Jacob Zumaโ€™  and that he didnโ€™t know Zuma as the South African president but as a fellow freedom fighter who they shared trenches with,โ€ claimed Moyo, who noted that he was disappointed that the late, had tasked him to identify some former ZPRA and UMkhonto WeSizwe cadres who would take him to see Zuma.

โ€œAt one point he showed and gave his letter he had written to Jacob Zuma. Unfortunately he confided that some of his ZPRA cadres failed him. He even said he thought Zuma would be the right person to assist him as back home the selfish Zanu PF government failed to recognise his contributions together with other ZPRA cadres who hailed in Mthwakazi.โ€

Moyo said he was delighted to have rubbed shoulders with Sharp Shoot, who he described as a great man.

โ€œHe treated me as his biological son at the same time regardless of my age he always called me his president. In turn I would support him with whatever I had, this included his medication whenever he asked for my assistance.He blessed MRP as he said that the Mthwakazi agenda that we are pursuing was the only cause worth the cause that can liberate Matabeleland,โ€ he claimed.

โ€œGo well My father, Go well My Commanderโ€ฆMay your dear soul rest in eternity my dear father. My condolences to umama uMrs Irene Moyo, my brothers Diliza Moyo,Livion Moyo and umdeni wakho. You fought a good fight. Unfortunately you couldnโ€™t, like other ZPRA cadres, enjoy the fruits of the so-called independence.โ€

Lulu Brenda Harris

Lulu Brenda Harris is a seasoned senior news reporter at CITE. Harris writes on politics, migration, health, education, environment, conservation and sustainable development. Her work has helped keep the public informed, promoting accountability and transparency in Zimbabwe.

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