Nelson Chamisa


CITIZENS Coalition for Change (CCC) leader Nelson Chamisa has vowed Zanu PF will not stop him from campaigning anywhere in Zimbabwe.

Addressing journalists in Harare following a string of incidents in which his political activities were blocked, the main opposition leader said President Emmerson Mnangagwa should accept fair competition and stop intimidating him.

“I was being told just this morning that in Mutoko Chamisa will not be allowed to come here, I want to say this to Zanu PF, I will go anywhere and everywhere, you will not stop me, you are not the owners of this land.

“Zimbabwe belongs to Zimbabweans, Mr Mnangagwa, accept fair competition, do not resort to your tactics that you have used before, they will not work, I can tell you this, I am ready to fight till the finish peacefully, legally and constitutionally. I know that you are using unconstitutional means and you have also been abusing the courts, but I can tell you victory for the citizens is certain,” Chamisa said.

This comes at a time when Chamisa’s events and activities in different areas around the country have been thwarted by either police or suspected Zanu PF members.

This week only Chamisa’s convoy was attacked in Uzumba Maramba Pfungwe, Wedza and Gokwe where he intended to hold rallies and meetings.

CCC supporters and several journalists have been beaten up, their equipment and cars damaged and according to Chamisa this confirms how scared the President is.

Chamisa said his party will not be drawn into violence but will not be deterred.

Chamisa also told his supporters to avoid wearing yellow t-shirts and pretend to be Zanu PF supporters to avoid getting attacked.

“Yesterday alone in Gokwe 13 people were badly injured, some were burnt literally by fire, torture in broad daylight because they were putting on yellow t-shirts and what they do not know is I have been telling people that if they want to kill you for t-shirts, do not worry about the t-shirts.

“Let us go operation mango, yellow inside, green outside, to preserve yourselves. Be Zanu PF in their slogans, be Zanu wherever you are going but show and maintain your integrity to support the change that you believe in,” he said.

Political parties are gearing up for the 2023 presidential election.

Chamisa is currently carrying out rural outreach campaigns in preparation for the upcoming election and Zanu PF has also been carrying out its campaigns across the country.

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