
Did Welshman Ncube accuse Chamisa of personalising CCC?

The claim: An online news portal, Daily Monitor, reported on March 1, 2022, that top Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) officials, Professor Welshman Ncube, Thabitha Khumalo and David Coltart accused Nelson Chamisa of attempting to personalise the new party following his dissolution of the entire national executive leaving himself sorely in charge of the party.

This report claimed the three CCC leaders snubbed Chamisa’s three consecutive rallies in Highfields, Gokwe and Kwekwe within a week without explaining their absence, adding their absence could have been a way of protesting against CCC tribal politics.

It was also alleged that Prof Ncube was trying to popularise his old political outfit MDC (Green) ahead of the 2023 general elections with him as the Presidential candidate.

In an interview with CITE, Prof. Ncube dismissed this report as fake, saying the author had a political agenda to tarnish his reputation.

“There is something fundamentally wrong and rotten when people decide to write fake stories purporting that so and so said this when in fact the author of the material knows very well has not spoken to the person they are allegedly quoting,” he said.

“So, you have a situation where a person with a political agenda decides deliberately to publish falsehoods for political ends and this is astonishing.”

This is not the first-time articles have been published concerning Prof Ncube’s participation and presence at the CCC, where he is alleged to be questioning the leadership of Chamisa as party president and or either reported to be unhappy about the issue of tribalism.

The CCC senior party leader questioned what desperation it was that made individuals resort to creating and peddling lies.

“They go out of their way to create fake stories, write that Prof Ncube said ‘x, y, z,’ when they didn’t even attempt to talk to me. The entire purpose is to create a fake exchange and false narrative because they are desperate to achieve political ends. Any of these things that are being published attributed to me in name are completely false and fake,” dismissed Prof Ncube.

Lulu Brenda Harris

Lulu Brenda Harris is a senior news reporter at CITE. Harris writes on politics, migration, health, education, environment, conservation and sustainable development. Her work has helped keep the public informed, promoting accountability and transparency in Zimbabwe.

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