Govt crafting a law to streamline state universities’ operations
The government is crafting a law to create uniformity in the operations of all state universities, with Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Minister, Ziyambi Ziyambi having since presented the Bill to Cabinet.
“Cabinet considered and approved the Amendment of the State Universities Statutes Bill, which was presented by the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, Honourable Ziyambi Ziyambi as Chairman of the Cabinet Committee on Legislation,” said Information Minister, Monica Mutsvangwa during a post-cabinet briefing Tuesday.
The Bill, Mutsvangwa further explained, will provide for a lean and efficient University Council, and ensure gender balance and fair regional representation in the appointment of the members.
“Cabinet further noted that the Bill will align University Acts to the principles of good corporate governance, in accordance with the Public Entities Corporate Governance Act Chapter 20:07,” further explained.
“The Bill will also standardize disciplinary procedures at all universities in order to remove cumbersome and costly processes. Furthermore, the Bill will provide for terms and conditions of service of staff members, and stipulate term limits for external members of the University Council.”