Zim youth have the power to drive meaningful change through issue-based dialogues.

By Tonderai Dombo
Zimbabwe has sadly become notoriously reputable for all things that can go bad in a countryโs economy. Before Covid 19, the country was already grappling with the effects of hyperinflation, currency instability and a soaring unemployment rate.
The pandemic then increased poverty rates and disrupted livelihoods; pushing the socio-economic fabric to its limits. In the face of the governmentโs reform efforts that have failed to rescue the economy, coupled by the current discord, political uncertainty and calls for extending term limits โ conversations among Zimbabweans have been sparked throughout the country.
This article focuses on how to harness the power of these conversations and the potential that youth have in influencing dialogues in the country.
The Missed Opportunities for Inclusive Dialogue
Historically as the Zimbabwean crisis has evolved, multiple opportunities for dialogue have presented themselves and usually resulted in politicians sitting at the negotiating table to make elite pacts. A major characteristic and reason for the failure of such dialogues has been the absence of ordinary people and other relevant voices on these tables. One case in point is the Global Political Agreement signed between the three leading political parties after the disputed, violent and bloody 2008 elections. The agreement resulted in the Government of National Unity which was subsequently criticized for being wasteful and ineffective in addressing the underlying conditions that had led to its formation. Over the years, national dialogues have consistently excluded key voices and resulted in inadequate solutions for Zimbabweโs multiple political social and economic issues.
The Prevailing Issue of Drug and Substance Abuse: A National Crisis
One of the key issues facing the nation is the matter of drug and substance abuse. In his 2025 budget proposal, The Minister of Finance and Economic Development confirmed that drug and substance abuse among youths now constituted a national public health, and national security threat. The current budget has set aside funds for the establishment of a Drugs and Substance Abuse Agency to help curb the problem. I argue that youths need to be involved in informing and contributing to the role that this agency can play if this issue is to be resolved through its work. One of the key factors contributing to the high levels of drug and substance abuse among youths is economic exclusion which has become a permanent feature of Zimbabweโs ailing economy.
Issue-Based Dialogue as a Unifying Approach
The prevailing socio-economic and political environment in Zimbabwe is one that requires social cohesion and unity of purpose in order to find a lasting solution. This is difficult in a country that has been divided for a long time along political, social and economic lines. The political polarization that has impeded the countryโs past efforts at achieving a national dialogue can only be bypassed by embarking on issue-based dialogues. Issue based dialogues can unite people across political divides because the negative impacts are felt by all communities, no matter which side of the political landscape they stand. When it comes to drug and substance abuse amongst the youth in the country; all political players, NGOโs and civil society are speaking with one voice on this issue. If these diverse stakeholders, particularly the youthโthe most affectedโcan unite and take the lead, there is great hope for meaningful issue-based dialogues on the nationโs pressing challenges.
Given the deep-seated distrust and animosity among key actors in communities and the nation, it is crucial to identify problematic issues and engage in dialogue to find solutions. The Youth in Peacebuilding Initiative Trust (YIPIT) used this approach and embarked on at community level in several provinces across the country. As an organization we have engaged youths mostly in colleges and universities to take the lead in hosting a dialogue on an issue that is troubling their community. The response from the communities have been positive with churches, traditional leaders and various stakeholders actively participating and supporting these initiatives by youths. A key take-away is that Zimbabweans are hungry for peace and unifying programs at community level. If these community level issue based dialogues are replicated throughout the country on various issues affecting society, the possibility of social transformation and increased unity and social cohesion are high. This approach was confirmed by findings published from a study on community-level dialogue experiences in Zimbabwe. The report details how local dialogue initiatives have been successfully dealing with specific community problems.
PeaceBuilding โ a strategic entry point for dialogue in communities
YIPITโs entry point in most communities has been peace dialogues and we look at all issues from the point of how they affect peace within the communities. In the dialogues, it emerged that most youths were abusing drugs due to unemployment and a lack of economic opportunities. We engineered the idea of skills based rehabilitation and are in the process of setting up centers for this purpose that will train agricultural skills, sewing, cooking, amongst others. The desired outcome of an effective community level dialogue is realized when suitable solutions for the issue are given and implemented.
There is consensus in most communities that if young people are empowered to make an honest living then a significant proportion of crimes can be reduced and rates of violence will decline. Poverty has remained a major societal issue contributing to a number of social ills in the country. The need to focus government attention in empowering youths and developing inclusive economic policies lies at the heart of transforming our country.
This work has not been done in isolation โ other youth led organizations are spearheading community dialogue processes across the country. The Vendors Initiative for Socio-Economic Transformation (VISET) conducted dialogues that reduced clashes between the Bulawayo City council and vendors who are mostly unemployed. The Centre for Natural Resource Governance (CNRG) conducted effective dialogues between miners and residents, showing the impact of issue-based dialogue around contentious disputes. It is clear from the compositions of these dialogues that there is potential to overcome political affiliation biases and transcend beyond polarization. This is reason enough to support youth led organizations in facilitating community level dialogues that address their challenges and those of their communities.
The Power of Youth Leading Issue-Based Dialogue
In conclusion, the country is in need of dialogue to resolve some of its socio-economic and political problems. The fact that the majority of its citizens are youths means that any dialogue should be led and centered on addressing challenges facing young people. There is overwhelming evidence that if young people and communities are engaged in issue based dialogue there can be positive outcomes. There is need to empower youths for a more unified, prosperous and peaceful society cannot be overlooked. The government efforts and those of civil society agree to the urgent need with which youths in Zimbabwe should be rescued from drugs and substance abuse amongst many other issues affecting them such as unemployment. It is from community level that some of these issues can be resolved with communities working out strategies to empower their youths and include them in local productive industries. The most potent tenet of issue based dialogue is its ability to bring about diverse groups and how it stresses focus on key issues rather than actors with the aim of bringing about a solution. Zimbabwean youths have the potential to be game changers in the implementation of issue based dialogue in the country.
Tonderai Dombo (MA Peace and Conflict Transformation UIT, MA in Human Rights Theory and Practice, UIO)