
Pro-democracy campaigners face 8th night in jail as state drags feet

By Costa Nkomo

Pro-democracy campaigners Samuel Gwenzi, Namatai Kwekweza, and Robson Chere face another night behind bars as their bail application hearing was postponed to Thursday, 8 August 2024.

The state, after initially promising to proceed with the hearing on Wednesday, requested a postponement, citing the unavailability of a second key witness, Detective Panganai Gwati.

According to the state, Gwati, who was supposed to lead evidence in the case, was called to testify at Mbare Magistrate Court in a separate case involving Tineyi Munetsi.

The defence counsel, led by Jeremiah Bhamu, opposed the postponement. “We have not been advised about the status of the matter in Mbare,” Bhamu argued, “nor have we been informed whether Panganai Gwati has started his testimony or not. No proper grounds have been made to justify the postponement.”

Bhamu further emphasized that Gwati’s evidence wouldn’t address the issues raised by the state in opposing the bail applications.

“I must place it on record that the delays in this matter have nothing to do with the accused, but the state, which has been making application after application,” he added.

Anesu Chirenje, representing the state, defended the postponement, arguing that Gwati’s testimony would corroborate the evidence provided by the first witness. “He was the arresting detail, so he will assist the court to explain the alleged torture of the accused upon arrest, as they were in custody, and address all other grey areas,” Chirenje stated.

Despite the defense’s opposition, Magistrate Ruth Moyo ruled in favour of the state, postponing the bail hearing until Thursday.

Vusimuzi Moyo, previously part of the group, had his case separated and secured a new lawyer, TB Ndoro. His bail hearing was also heard today.

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