
Poverty drives early marriages in Mzingwane 

By Barbra Sibanda

Early marriages have become a pressing issue in Empisini, Ward 14, Mzingwane, with many young girls being forced into marriage at a very young age due to challenging economic conditions.

This ‘depressing’ situation reflects the harsh reality faced by many young girls in Empisini, where poverty forces them into early marriages, robbing them of their childhood and education.

A single mother of five shared the heartbreaking story of how her 17-year-old daughter recently got married. 

She revealed that they had been struggling ever since their homestead caught fire, forcing them to relocate.

“When we moved here, my daughter was still in primary school. When it came time for her to attend secondary school, I had no money, so I had to beg the headmaster to let her continue her education. He agreed, but it was hard for her because she went to school hungry and returned home to find nothing to eat,” the mother explained.

The mother continued, “Other kids knew about our situation and started picking on her, making her school life unbearable. Around that time, I became ill and couldn’t use my hands, so she had to drop out of school to take care of me. She made the decision to get married on her own, saying she was tired of the life we were living and the constant embarrassment. She had to wear my old underwear because I couldn’t afford to buy her new ones. Now, I fear my 13-year-old daughter might be next, as we are still drowning in poverty.”

The young bride herself echoed these sentiments, explaining her decision: “It was the situation at home that pushed me to get married. My mother works at a mine, and if nothing comes from that, we have to do piece jobs just to get food and meet other needs.”

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