
New vacation school dates announced

The Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education has revised vacation school dates for examination classes to ensure that students in these grades continue their studies while other grades and forms break for the holiday on August 8, 2024.

The vacation school, designed to provide additional learning opportunities for Grade 7, Form Four, and Upper Six students during the August holiday, will now run from August 9 to August 22, 2024.

This revision replaces the previously scheduled dates of August 19 to August 30, 2024.

The change in dates was announced by the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education, Moses Mhike, in an addendum to Secretary’s Circular Number 6 of 2024.

“Following the release of the Secretary’s Circular Number 6 of 2024 on the above subject matter and the engagements that followed thereafter, the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education informs that the Vacation School for August holidays will run from 9 August to 22 August for all schools. The timeframe of 19 to 30 August as given earlier is cancelled,” Mhike said in a circular issued on August 2, 2024.

“The rest of the Secretary’s Circular Number 6 of 2024 content remains the same.”

The Permanent Secretary said this will allow Grade 7, Form Four, and Upper Six pupils to optimize learning time for students preparing for critical examinations at the end of the year, while the rest of the grades and forms close schools for the second term.

“Travel costs for boarders will be curtailed while supervision and monitoring of the Vacation School by the Inspectorate will follow a standard timeframe for all schools,” Mhike said.

Mhike stated that the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education retains the authority to interpret and implement the amendments stated in the addendum.

All stakeholders, including Chief Directors, Provincial Education Directors, District Schools Inspectors, Heads of Primary and Secondary Schools, National Association of Secondary Heads, Heads of Primary and Secondary Schools, Association of Trust Schools, Church Education Secretaries, Teacher Associations, and Responsible Authorities are advised to adhere to the revised dates and ensure their respective institutions are informed and prepared for the changes.

This development means schools and teachers are expected to make the necessary arrangements to accommodate the new Vacation School schedule, including teaching staff, preparing learning materials, and ensuring that facilities are ready to support the continued education of examination classes during the holiday period.

Lulu Brenda Harris

Lulu Brenda Harris is a senior news reporter at CITE. Harris writes on politics, migration, health, education, environment, conservation and sustainable development. Her work has helped keep the public informed, promoting accountability and transparency in Zimbabwe.

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