
MDC youths gear up for Byo demo

By Tanaka Mrewa

The Nelson Chamisa’s Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) youths in Bulawayo have geared up for the August 19 march, where they intend to take to the streets in protest of the economic crisis in the country.

MDC Bulawayo provincial spokesperson Swithern Chirowodza told CITE the march is meant to show the people’s disguntlement against unemployment, fuel and electricity shortages, malfunctioning currency and unconstitutional political and institutional reforms.

He said the party has known over the years that the government has a tendency of planting agent provocators as means of discrediting the intended goals of the protests.

“We intend to hold peaceful demonstrations but however we are aware that there are certain sections of the security who hinder the freedom of expression for the people through placing agent provocators among peaceful protestors. They usually do this to discredit the party,”he said.

“We hope that the greater good will prevail and on the day people will come in numbers to show their dissatisfaction against ZANU-PF.

Our preparations are now in order, we just need to hold a few more meetings to finalise things,said Chirowodza.

Mbongeni Dube, Secretary for political education said the youth assembly wing has a mandate to step up and show the nation and world at large what it takes to be a true social democrat.

“We note with disbelief the continued difficulties faced by all youths.Our masses continue to suffer while the few government officials take advantage in looting, hiring expensive private jets going over seas to only come back and insult the citizens of Zimbabwe with their year 2030 plan,” Dube said.

“Youths must take to the streets and demonstrate against the failing Zanu pf regime. A united front is always the strongest front. In unity the atmosphere changes, the enemy is pre-destroyed hence weakened. Youths in Bulawayo will thus exercise their right to peacefully demonstrate against the failing government,” he said.

The march is expected to take place in three stages, Harare on the 16th, Bulawayo 19th and Gweru on the 20th.

Lungile Ngwenya

Lungile is the Social Media Editor and a dynamic multimedia journalist at CITE in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. With expertise in social media management, she excels in leveraging digital platforms to engage audiences and expand reach. Lungile is highly skilled in generative AI, using it to create innovative content and produce compelling programmes that capture attention. Her video production and editing skills are exceptional, enabling her to craft high-quality, polished media pieces that resonate with viewers. Beyond content creation, Lungile is a passionate media trainer, specializing in TikTok and social media strategies. She empowers others to harness these platforms effectively, equipping them with the tools to tell their stories and amplify their voices in today’s digital landscape.

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