MDC parly walkout slammed
The MDC Alliance legislators who walked out of the official opening of the ninth parliament yesterday are doing a disservice to the electorate who voted them into office, Southern Africa Parliamentary Support Trust (SAPST) has said.
MDC legislators walked out of the house while President Emmerson Mnangagwa was giving his state of the nation address in Parliament, insisting Mnangagwa was illegitimately voted into office.
“The electorate is looking forward to the elected office bearers delivering the promises they made and fully representing them in Parliament, without boycotting sessions,” said John Makumure, SAPST Executive Director.
He said demonstrating does not solve the real issues affecting the electorate.
“The electorate is interested in bread and butter issues and not actions that only serve to attract negative publicity and demonisation of Zimbabwe,” said Makumure.
Makumure also alluded that legislators should respect their oath of affirmation and perform their duties faithfully and to the best of their abilities.
“When Members of Parliament are sworn in they swear that they will be faithful to Zimbabwe and uphold the Constitution and all the laws of Zimbabwe and that they will perform their duties faithfully and to the best of their abilities.
Walking out during proceedings is not in the spirit of this oath of affirmation, said Makurume.
The MDC legislators are refuting the outcome of the July elections, claiming their President Advocate Nelson Chamisa is the legitimate President of Zimbabwe.
Last week the MPs booed Chief Justice Luke Malaba and ZEC Chairperson Priscilla Chigumba labeling them ‘electoral thieves’ during the elections to choose the Speaker of Parliament.