
Chiwenga sidesteps Mnangagwa 2030 push, urges economic growth

Vice President Constantino Chiwenga urged Zanu PF to prioritise improving Zimbabweans’ livelihoods and driving economic growth during the 21st National People’s Conference in Bulawayo.

He notably avoided endorsing the “2030 Mnangagwa” campaign, which aims to extend President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s rule beyond the constitutionally mandated two-term limit.

Chiwenga’s focus on the well-being of citizens and economic prosperity signals a shift away from internal political agendas, even as some Zanu PF delegates push for Mnangagwa to remain in office until 2030 through a proposed constitutional amendment.

Instead, the Vice President addressed urgent economic issues and improved food security, presenting a contrast to the party’s current push to keep Mnangagwa in power.

“It is therefore essential that we use this conference to develop resolutions that drive industrialisation and propel our economic trajectory towards modernisation,” Chiwenga stated. “This will fulfill the vision of our President for the realisation of Vision 2030. As the ruling party, we should value and never take for granted the trust that the people of Zimbabwe place in us through their votes.”

Chiwenga said the supremacy of the party over the government should ensure the implementation of resolutions made at the party conference, which “should be taken seriously.”

“Our discussions should focus on enhancing the livelihoods of our people. Our economy must continue to grow to ensure food security and general prosperity for all,” he added.

The Vice President stressed the importance of disciplined leadership, highlighting the role of innovation and industry in securing Zimbabwe’s future. He advocated for an education system that aligns with the needs of learners, saying, “Industry should be supported by evidence-based research, science, and technology innovation, leading to infrastructure development.”

He also underscored the need for a stable currency, saying, “Most importantly, our currency should retain its value to boost trade and commerce for the common good and public convenience.”

Chiwenga further called for economic empowerment to take precedence over political consolidation, urging resolutions that promote industrialisation and economic modernisation in line with Vision 2030.

“As such, we gather here to review the implementation of resolutions from the 20th National People’s Conference held in the Midlands in 2023. Our revolutionary party president continues to ensure that the development of our nation leaves no one and no place behind,” he remarked.

“With the conclusion of the National Development Strategy (NDS1) nearing, this conference gives us the opportunity to create strategies to overcome challenges such as the El Niño drought, the COVID-19 pandemic, and food security issues,” Chiwenga said. He added that as Zimbabwe prepares to launch NDS2, the party and government must continue to implement policies that uplift the livelihoods of Zimbabweans.

“Our growth must ensure equitable development, leaving no one and no place behind,” the Vice President stated.

Reports indicate that tensions between Mnangagwa and Chiwenga have escalated as support for Mnangagwa’s third-term push gains momentum. Many Zanu PF delegates from Harare, Midlands, Mashonaland, and Matabeleland provinces have called for Mnangagwa to lead until 2030, garnering widespread support and applause.

Despite his reluctance to endorse Mnangagwa’s third-term bid, Chiwenga acknowledged Mnangagwa’s contributions to Zanu PF and commended his leadership in agriculture, mining, and tourism under the philosophy, “Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo, ilizwe lakhiwa ngabanikazi balo” (The country is built by its owners).

“Let me remind you all that our president has been a consistent and influential figure in shaping Zimbabwe’s political landscape since the 1960s. He has been a loyal, selfless, and dedicated son of this revolutionary party, Zanu PF,” Chiwenga said, highlighting Mnangagwa’s long-standing service.

Chiwenga also praised Mnangagwa for his decision to join other Zimbabwean youth in resisting the white minority rule, saying, “The president continues to defy the odds, embodying the true, unshaken African spirit of hunhu and ubuntu, especially in the face of neo-colonial challenges such as illegal sanctions.”

He concluded by urging Zanu PF members to remain united and disciplined in their mission to build a peaceful and prosperous Zimbabwe. “I urge you all to be disciplined cadres, work together, and uphold our core values of peace, unity, and development as we strive to improve the lives of our people,” said the Vice President. “Let us learn from the president, in whom we have total confidence, as a peacebuilder, unifier, and champion of development.”

Lulu Brenda Harris

Lulu Brenda Harris is a senior news reporter at CITE. Harris writes on politics, migration, health, education, environment, conservation and sustainable development. Her work has helped keep the public informed, promoting accountability and transparency in Zimbabwe.

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