
Binga RDC successfully implements master plan ahead of deadline

On Friday, June 28, 2024, Binga adopted its Master Plan, effectively beating the deadline set by President Emmerson Mnangagwa on the Call to Action: No compromise to service delivery.

The adoption of this Master Plan is of great significance as it ensures that development decisions in Binga will become proactive rather than reactive.

Presenting the policies and proposals, the lead planner, Mr Shelton Mthunzi Sithole, justified the need for the Master Plan by highlighting the potential negative consequences of a lack thereof. Without a comprehensive and coordinated plan, Binga may be forced to respond to immediate needs or pressures, resulting in uncoordinated and piecemeal development.

The Master Plan consists of two essential components: the report of study, which encompasses the situational analysis of Binga, and the written statement, which outlines the policies and proposals for future development. Through this thorough investigation, it was revealed that Binga’s road network system is in dire need of attention, hindering its growth and development.

To address this issue, the Master Plan proposes the upgrading and resurfacing of the two major transport corridors in Binga. This includes the Binga-Dete route, linking Bulawayo and Victoria Falls, as well as the Binga-Karoi route, connecting Binga to Harare. By prioritizing the enhancement of these key infrastructure elements, Binga aims to facilitate smoother transportation and stimulate further economic growth.

Furthermore, the Master Plan identified another significant challenge in Binga: the high incidence of human-wildlife conflicts. To combat this issue, the proposals put forth involve the establishment of buffer zones around protected areas such as Chizarira National Park, Chete Safaris, and the conservancies. Additionally, the plan advocates for the creation, demarcation, and legal constitution of wildlife corridors.

The inadequacy of educational facilities in Binga was also brought to light by the Master Plan, with many schools being satellite and unregistered. Learners often have to travel long distances, sometimes up to 25km, to access these schools. To address this issue, the proposals call for the establishment of primary and secondary schools strategically located in rural areas, thus reducing the distances traveled by students.

In terms of healthcare, Binga also faces a similar problem. The Master Plan proposes the upgrading of the Binga Hospital and the establishment of two additional rural hospitals, namely Lubimbi and Lusulu. The plan also calls for an increase in the number of clinics to improve healthcare services and reduce the travel distances for mothers, who currently face the risk of giving birth while commuting to clinics.

With regards to agriculture, it was discovered that the region still heavily relies on rainfed farming. To mitigate this dependency, the Master Plan proposes the establishment of more irrigation schemes, particularly in Lusulu, which serves as the breadbasket for the region. This move aims to enhance agricultural productivity and ensure food security.

Additionally, the Master Plan seeks to position Binga as one of the preferred tourism destinations both within Zimbabwe and internationally. To achieve this, various strategic areas, including Mlibizi, Simatelele, Chibuyu, and Binga Center, have been designated as tourism zones. Other proposed initiatives include the upgrading of water, sewer, and electricity infrastructure, as well as the enhancement of the Kasambabezi Border Post to reduce porosity along the lake between Zimbabwe and Zambia.

It is important to note that these proposed measures will be implemented over 15 years, divided into three phases. The strategy prioritises high-impact projects that will initiate a ripple effect throughout Binga, ultimately improving the quality of life for all its residents.

Commenting on the Master Plan, the District Development Coordinator, Mr Kabome expressed gratitude to the Ministry of Local Government for identifying the talent in the lead planner, Mr Mthunzi Sithole.

Additionally, the RDDC conveyed its unwavering commitment to implementing all the proposals and policies outlined in the Master Plan, to transform Binga into a better place for everyone.

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