A bouquet of roses for your Valentine

Valentine`s Day is a special day to lovers worldwide and they get to spoil each other with presents and intimate moments.
Some literally break the bank, buying their sweethearts mansions, top of the range vehicles and expensive jewellery.
However, for some a simple box of chocolate, a miniature teddy bear always melts their better half`s hearts.
A survey in Bulawayo`s City centre on Thursday showed that a bouquet of red roses – the very symbol of love – remain the favourite gift for many.
There was a hive of activity at the Large City Hall as florists attended to customers from all walks of life.
“We have been receiving customers since early morning today, flowers remain a favourite present for many people on Valentine`s Day,” said one florist.
A single fresh rose is costing $4 with a bouquet going as much as $50.
Despite being one of the busiest day world over, the rains and the economic situation dampened business for the florists.
“While we are happy with the business, it is not the same as in the previous years. No doubt the economic situation in our country contributed to the drop in business as well as the rains,” said another florist who identified herself as Mavis.
Chocolate, perfume and jewellery were also some of the fast-moving gifts at most shops in the city.
“You can never go wrong with chocolate and perfume to show your appreciation for your better half. Despite the economic situation people spend on these gifts and we made a bit of business this week,” said an attendant at one of the shops in the city.
The entertainment calendar in the city will be packed leading to the weekend as revellers celebrate love in style.