
Driver flees scene after kombi smashes into school wall

Three people were injured when a Tshova Mubaiwa commuter omnibus driver lost control of the vehicle and rammed into the Mpopoma High School perimeter wall on Thursday morning.

After the incident, the driver reportedly fled the scene.

The commuter omnibus was said to be speeding, and when the driver approached the traffic light-controlled intersection near the school along Luveve Road, he tried to avoid oncoming traffic and swerved before crashing into the wall.

Eyewitnesses said two male passengers managed to free themselves while one passenger was trapped in the wreckage.

Mthabisi Mpofu, a witness to the accident, said the injured individuals received immediate assistance from bystanders before ambulances arrived at the scene.

“One of the passengers was critically injured and was bleeding. He kept shouting, asking for the whereabouts of the driver. Another passenger was on the floor being helped by a group of people before the ambulance came,” said Mpofu.

Sihle Sibanda, the acting headmistress of Mpopoma High School, declined to comment on the incident.

Bulawayo police spokesperson Inspector Abednico Ncube said they were investigating the matter.

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