
Artist turns broken glass into breathtaking art


An upcycling glass artist, Mandisa Nyoni, has been making waves with her innovative approach to creating beauty using discarded glass.

Nyoni, a visionary creator, is passionate about collecting glass scraps from glass companies and bottles found on the streets, turning them into breathtaking works of art.

Reflecting on her artistic journey, Nyoni shared that her drive for sustainability and environmental consciousness has been at the heart of her work.

“I started doing my art in 2020 during the first COVID-19 lockdown. I needed something to do with my time, and as someone who loves working with her hands, I wanted to be busy. There was a broken mirror at home, and from there, I imagined creating a ballerina from those pieces, and they say the rest is history,” said Nyoni.

In 2022, Nyoni decided to take her artistry to the next level, fully embracing the world of upcycling art. Drawing inspiration from the discarded glass around her, she embarked on a mission to transform waste into beauty and tell a powerful story through her art.

“I started taking my artistry seriously in 2022, and that’s when my love of upcycling art fully bloomed. Seeing the number of discarded bottles and glass in town and in my community, I always felt the need to do more with that. I can create anything from animals to landscapes, and people, all from glass,” said Nyoni.

Nyoni stated that her recent artworks center around portraits of women, each given African names that hold personal significance and represent inspirational figures in her life.

She is currently working on a solo exhibition titled “Her Name Is,” which aims to showcase these empowering artworks and spotlight strong women through their names.

“My recent artworks are portraits of women, and they are each given African names. These names are of women who inspire me. So far, one is called Nandipha and the other Phakamile. That is why I am working on a solo exhibition called ‘Her Name Is,’ telling a story about strong women through their names,” said Nyoni.

Seeking support for her upcoming exhibition, Nyoni shared her fundraising goals, detailing the financial needs required for materials, gallery space, transportation, marketing, and event logistics. She added that she plans to create 25 artworks of varying sizes and themes and has envisioned a grand opening day with 100 to 150 attendees, featuring her artwork.

“So the money is for materials, booking space at the gallery, transportation, marketing, and refreshments on the day, and I am looking at 100 to 150 people attending the opening day. I will also need packaging material so that the artwork is safely transported. I want to create 25 artworks at the Nandipha size, which is 95cm by 65cm,” said Nyoni.

She also stated that she is an aspiring musician, looking to record an EP to coincide with the exhibition, further showcasing her creative talents and artistic expression.

“I’m also an aspiring musician, and I want to record my EP, which I will release and perform on the same opening day at the exhibition. So I need money to record and money for photography and videography,” said Nyoni.

Mandisa Nyoni can be contacted at +263776309625.

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